EIT Manufacturing has more than 70 ongoing activities that are grouped under five pillars: Business Creation, Education, Innovation, Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) and the Cross-KIC activities that are the result of cooperation between several EIT Innovation Communities.


Michael Dittel, LeafTech (Tyskland), som stöds av EIT Climate-KIC, vann priset EIT CHANGE. Priset går till de bästa eleverna från EIT:s 

By connecting consumers with businesses, start-ups, researchers and students from around Europe, EIT Food supports innovative and economically sustainable initiatives which improve our health, our access to quality food, and our environment EIT Climate-KIC is the EU’s climate innovation initiative, working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon and resilient world by enabling systems transformation. Headquartered in Amsterdam, it operates from 13 hubs across Europe and is active in 39 countries. The EIT Cross-KIC Global Outreach programme is currently exploring the opportunity of opening an office in Tel Aviv. View country page. Italy.

Eit kic

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EIT Climate-KIC is Europe’s leading knowledge community working to address climate change through innovation. The Nordics is one of the most innovative regions of the world, especially within cleantech, greentech and sustainable technologies. Ambitious governments are here matched by a world class scientific community and a booming entrepreneurial scene Together with our alliance of Nordic Innovation – EIT Climate-KIC offers the full innovation pipeline. Support for climate innovation within the EIT Climate-KIC community in Norway is managed jointly by EIT Climate-KIC Nordics and our partner the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Education – our Master label programme will soon be offered via NTNU.

Till följande adresser skall underskrivet avtal skickas ops.team@climate-kic.org · niels.buchholst@climate-kic.org · Tom. Trivector Traffic går med som nätverkspartner i EIT Urban Mobility-KIC, det senaste initiativet av European Instituite of Innovation and  Med stöd från Climate-KIC har PE utvecklat ett finansiellt verktyg som ger underlag för affärsmodeller som kan skapa naturbaserade lösningar. EIT Climate-KIC receives €8.4 million for innovation projects that stimulate job creation and support a post COVID-19 green recovery.

​Chalmers är Core partners i EIT Manufacturing, en s.k. 'Knowledge and Innovation Community' (KIC). KIC-programmen är den del av det 

Kontaktperson. Eit Kic Urban Mobility S.L (IN). registrerad för  selects, evaluates and monitors the KIC but KIC are autonomous to organise their activities; 4) the Funding-Labelling EIT where the EIT acts as a funding body  Explore the co investors of Eit Fan Helsinki Food Accelerator Network and explore those investors.

EIT and RIS3 communities have notable potential to address each phase of the innovation process. Related report . Collaboration opportunities and synergies between RIS3 and EIT Climate KIC under the RIS scheme – Working document (March 2018)

These professionals, our end-users, canbe […] Partners. EIT RawMaterials is the world’s largest innovation community in the raw materials sector, connecting more than 122 core and associate partners and 180+ project partners from leading businesses, universities, research and technology organisations across Europe.

Eit kic

EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator.
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Eit kic

Se hela listan på climate-kic.org EIT Health is a network of best-in-class health innovators backed by the EU. We deliver solutions to enable European citizens to live longer, healthier lives.

561 likes · 1 talking about this. EIT Climate-KIC je najveća EU inicijativa posvećena klimatskim inovacijama i ubrzanju tranzicije ka niskougljeničnom, otpornom Cities and regions are looking for systemic solutions to cope with the immense challenge of the far-reaching impacts and consequences of climate change.
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En ny EIT-KIC är på gång inom området Kulturella och Kreativa. Näringar – Vad vill LU? Page 2. Vad har och vad vill Lunds universitet?

En KIC får inte hela sin finansiering från EIT utan dels ett startkapital för att bygga  EIT:s KIC inom Urban Mobilitet. Chalmers leder ansökningskonsortiet, som består av 50 olika partners från hela Europa, uppdelat på ledande  As many of you know LTU has been involved in establishing a consortium to send in a proposal on a EIT KIC on Raw materials which was due  The EIT Urban Mobility Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)  KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Communities) är en rad EU-finansierade företag, forskningscentrum och universitet med medel från EIT, European Institute for  EIT Health is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) established by the EU body European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT).

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Michael Dittel, LeafTech (Tyskland), som stöds av EIT Climate-KIC, vann priset EIT CHANGE. Priset går till de bästa eleverna från EIT:s 

EIT Food. EIT InnoEnergy. EIT Manufacturing.